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In a world of Brexit and Trump, is the media neglecting reporting on humanitarian issues?

Performance Area, Linen Hall Library, 17 Donegall Square North 27th March: 7.00pm – 8.15pm

BBC World Service Director Jamie Angus, Dr. Mel Bunce, founder of the Humanitarian News Research Network, Rose Caldwell, Executive Director of Concern Worldwide (UK) and Chair of the International Broadcasting Trust (IBT), and Rosamond Bennett, Chief Executive of Christian Aid Ireland, discuss the state of reporting on humanitarian issues within a news agenda seen as being dominated by Brexit and Trump.

Are audiences interested in global humanitarian affairs? Does existing news coverage serve their needs and the needs of international aid?

This event is part of the Imagine Belfast, Festival of Ideas & Politics 2019. The Q&A session is hosted by former BBC Panorama reporter Declan Lawn, and is organised by IBT, the Coalition of Aid and Development Agencies in Northern Ireland (CADA NI) and Humanitarian Journalism.

To reserve your free ticket please click here.