DFID seeking feedback on new code of conduct
DFID has introduced a Supply Partner Code of Conduct for Accountable Grants. This code has been operating for DFID supply partners on contracts since late 2017, and is now planned for a roll–out to Accountable Grants.
You can access and read the Code of Conduct by clicking the link below:
supply partner code of conduct
DFID are currently undergoing a process of engagement with Civil Society regarding the approach to implementing the Code for AGs. As a part of this process, they have designed a Survey Monkey questionnaire to facilitate constructive input from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on the roll–out of the Code.
The questionnaire can be accessed via the following link:
There is also a PDF link to the survey, It is encouraged that you print this off and circulate to all relevant individuals within your Organisation in order to formulate a considered response in advance of completing the questionnaire online.
The PDF link can be found below:
Those who receive funding from DFID, or have aspirations to do so in the future, will need to be aware of the Code and make plans to be compliant with it.
The deadline for completion is the 17th November.